Gastroenterology Research Review, Issue 105

In this issue:

Tongue image-based machine learning for diagnosing gastric cancer
Stress ulcer prophylaxis in critically ill adults with sepsis at risk of GI bleeding
Colesevelam for bile acid diarrhoea
Increased mortality in lean patients with NAFLD
Response-guided cefotaxime, ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
GWAS of Barrett’s oesophagusoesophageal adenocarcinoma detects novel risk loci
Use of OTSCs for preventing rebleeding in large peptic ulcers
MSC-derived exosomes for complex non-Crohn’s perianal fistulae
Melatonin for IBS with and without sleep disorders
Rural colonoscopy outperforms key performance indicators

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