Gastroenterology Research Review, Issue 111

In this issue:

Anti-TTG-IgA for predicting duodenal villous atrophy in suspected coeliac disease
Pembrolizumab + chemotherapy for HER2-negative advanced gastric cancer
Dupilumab for 52 weeks in eosinophilic oesophagitis
Cause-specific mortality in patients with alcohol-related liver disease
Surgical vs. nonsurgical management of malignant bowel obstruction
FMT for diarrhoea-predominant IBS
Fenofibrate for primary biliary cholangitis
Bismuth quadruple single capsule: 3 times a day better than 4
Persistent villous atrophy predicts complications and mortality in coeliac disease
On-demand vonoprazan for nonerosive reflux disease

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