Multiple Myeloma Research Review, Issue 50

In this issue:

FORTE: Outcomes after carfilzomib combos according to cytogenetic risk
Single vs tandem ASCT for NDMM with high-risk cytogenetics
CARDAMON: Upfront transplant bests KCd consolidation
ATLAS: Post-transplant KRd extends PFS vs lenalidomide maintenance
Relevance of salvage transplant within modern treatment paradigms
Bortezomib maintenance after allogeneic transplantation reduces GvHD
MRD dynamics during ixazomib maintenance allows accurate prognostication
Is minimal-intensity or curative intent therapy optimal for smoldering MM?
Comprehensive geriatric testing at diagnosis may guide transplant eligibility
ATRA plus crenigacestat improves efficacy of BCMA-CAR T cell therapy

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