Nephrology Research Review, Issue 58

In this issue:

Post hoc analysis of the FIDELIODKD and CREDENCE trials
Efficacy of veverimer in patients with diabetic kidney disease and metabolic acidosis
Genome-wide polygenic score predicts CKD across ancestries
Allocating deceased donor kidneys to pre-emptively waitlisted patients vs dialysis patients
N-acetylcysteine does not prevent contrast-induced AKI
Albuminuria-lowering effect of dapagliflozin, eplerenone, and their combination in CKD patients
Automated segmentation of kidneys and exophytic cysts in patients with ADPKD
Benefits of long-term exercise training in adults with CKD
Fractional excretion of sodium is not useful for the differential diagnosis of AKI
SGLT2 inhibitors and fracture risk in patients with diabetic kidney disease

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