Rheumatology Practice Review, Issue 46

In this issue:

EULAR updated imaging recommendations for large vessel vasculitis
Clinical Practice Guideline for the optimal timing of hip or knee arthroplasty
Pan American League of Associations for Rheumatology Guidelines for Takayasu arteritis
The Australian Rheumatology Association top-5 recommendations on low-value practices
2023 ACR/EULAR antiphospholipid syndrome classification criteria
Is colchicine prophylaxis required with allopurinol dose escalation?
Risk of venous thromboembolism with gout flares
TGA approves Nurtec ODT for migraine
FDA Approves canakinumab for gout flares
Biosimilar for tocilizumab
A vaccine for Lyme disease?
An updated Hip Fracture Clinical Care Standard
Rheumatology augmented reality trialled for teaching
Consensus definition for sacroiliitis on radiographs in juvenile spondyloarthritis

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