Schizophrenia Practice Review, Issue 6

In this issue:

Schizophrenia pregnancies should be given greater health priority
Predictors for initiation of atypical LAIs in early-phase schizophrenia
Successful implementation of a LAIs in young adults with schizophrenia
Predicting psychotic relapse following discontinuation of paliperidone
The protective effect of clozapine on suicide
Olanzapine/samidorphan in young adults
Association between abnormal sleep-wake patterns and negative symptoms
Hip fractures among adults with schizophrenia
Specialised early intervention services for first-episode SSD
Expression of peripheral cytokines and associated inflammatory proteins in acute and chronic schizophrenia
Virtual acute psychiatric ward
Mental health services available through smartphone apps
Olfactory identification ability among patients with schizophrenia
Reducing public stigma in young adults
COVID-19 resources
Conferences, workshops and CPD

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