General Practice Research Review, Issue 104

In this issue:

Increased dairy products prevent fractures in nursing home residents
Topical lidocaine is useful in a number of pain syndromes
Local steroid injection for carpal tunnel does not change symptoms after 5 years
Codeine may be a safer choice than tramadol for analgesia
Myocarditis after mRNA immunisation
Impact of varenicline + nicotine patch and extended treatment duration on smoking cessation
What can we do for those with borderline personality disorder?
Who is at highest risk of death or hospitalisation after the second COVID immunisation?
What are the most common skin malignancies GPs fail to diagnose?
Symptoms in family practice: New findings using electronic medical record data
Procrastination and the effect of deadlines on task completion
Autism-related dietary preferences mediate autism-gut microbiome associations
Nurses’ burnout and associated risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic

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