Endocrinology Research Review, Issue 14

In this Issue:

Vitamin D and circulating IGF-1 levels
Predicting post-treatment disease-free status in differentiated thyroid carcinoma
Birth defects and antithyroid drug treatment
Denosumab for osteoporosis: 6 year data
Over- or under-treatment in congenital hypothyroidism?
Fluid intake and iodine concentrations in breast milk
Empirical radioactive iodine therapy in thyroid cancer with elevated thyroglobulin?
Weight loss and thyroid hormone homeostasis
LT4 dosing for hypothyroidism during pregnancy
Cushing’s disease, cortisol diurnal rhythm and QOL
Large, single-dose, oral vitamin D supplementation
Natural history of asymptomatic sporadic NF-PNETs

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