Bone Marrow Transplant Research Review, Issue 1

In this issue:

Efficacy of an ambulatory peripheral blood HSCT program
High CD8+ T-cell count a prognostic factor in leukemia patients undergoing haplo-HSCT
Lymphoma-directed conditioning and allogenic SCT for RR T-cell lymphoma
FBC conditioning improves safety over BuCy2 in leukaemia
BEAM conditioning improves outcomes over BuCyVP16 in Hodgkin lymphoma
Fludarabine/melphalan conditioning plus allogenic HSCT for HLH
Post-transplant cyclophosphamide significantly improves outcomes
Thiotepa-augmented immunosuppression improves engraftments in sickle cell anaemia
Busulfan- or thiotepa-based conditioning in myelofibrosis
Higher total body irradiation doses increases success in myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative disorders

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