EULAR 20th Annual Congress Virtual Meeting Experience 2020 Conference Review

In this review:

The Osteosan artificial intelligence system for knee OA stage determination
Immune checkpoint inhibitorinduced rheumatic immune-related adverse events
Parameters associated with a diagnostic delay in axial spondyloarthritis
Orthopaedic intervention on multiple sites is common in hypermobility related disorders
A ten-week progressive resistance training programme shows promise for people with inflammatory arthritis
Cost effectiveness of telehealth follow-up in rheumatoid arthritis
Telemedicine consultations in polymyalgia rheumatica patients
Hydroxychloroquine is not effective for the treatment of inflammatory and erosive hand OA
PreCePRA shows correlations between CNS pain response and response to certolizumab in RA
Psychological impact of COVID 19 pandemic on patients with rheumatological disorders

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