Immunology Research Review, Issue 6

In this issue:

LILAC: Litifilimab improves skin disease activity in lupus
Peripheral IgE-secreting plasmablasts correlate with allergic disease severity
Aberrant IgG Fc glycosylation involved in severe COVID-19
Vaccination moderates anti-N seroconversion after SARS-CoV-2 infection
Engineered anti-TNF antibody abrogates immunogenicity
Proinflammatory mechanisms in mastocytosis
Chronic asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriage in an immunocompromised patient
Pneumonia common in primary antibody deficiency despite therapy
Pre-existing neutralising aAbs to type 1 IFNs associated with life-threatening COVID
Could inhibition of IL-18Rα signalling offer an efficacious therapy for food allergy?

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