Meet our panel of medical specialists

Research Review Australia works with over 70 local medical specialists to select and advise on the most important research from around the world. They advise on what really matters, what impact it has on local healthcare and what we need to do in our daily practice to accomodate new skills and knowledge. Select a category below to see more about each of our expert advisors.

Associate Professor Schaider

Associate Professor Schaider

Associate Professor Schaider is currently Principal Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. He was trained as an academic dermatologist at the Medical University of Graz, Austria and The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia with over 20 years of experience in the field of clinical and academic research. He relocated to Brisbane in 2013. Dr Schaider is an international recognized expert in the field of melanocytic lesions. He has a strong focus on translational research with emphasis on cancer biology specifically melanoma biology, drug resistance and naevus research. His lab recently identified a new phenotype of stress induced multi-drug tolerant cancer cells in melanoma.

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