Meet our panel of medical specialists

Research Review Australia works with over 70 local medical specialists to select and advise on the most important research from around the world. They advise on what really matters, what impact it has on local healthcare and what we need to do in our daily practice to accomodate new skills and knowledge. Select a category below to see more about each of our expert advisors.

Professor Gregory King

Professor Gregory King

Professor Greg King is a respiratory physician at the Royal North Shore Hospital, The Woolcock Institute of
Medical Research and Northern Clinical School, University of Sydney. He has a research and clinical
practice interest and focus in asthma, COPD and bronchiolitis obliterans in haemopoietic stem cell
transplant. His research involves complex lung function and imaging to measure physiology that
is relevant to disease mechanisms and characterisation, to better understand and manage (and
maybe one day - cure) airways diseases in the clinic.

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