Meet our panel of medical specialists

Research Review Australia works with over 70 local medical specialists to select and advise on the most important research from around the world. They advise on what really matters, what impact it has on local healthcare and what we need to do in our daily practice to accomodate new skills and knowledge. Select a category below to see more about each of our expert advisors.

Dr Mark Nolan

Dr Mark Nolan

Mark Nolan is a Non-Invasive Cardiologist working at Western Health and the Peter Mac Cancer Centre in Melbourne, as well as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. He has completed an Echocardiography Fellowship in Adelaide, Cardiac MRI and CT Fellowship in Toronto, and also a Cardio-Oncology Fellowship in Toronto. His PhD thesis examined the optimal use of cardiac imaging to guide treatment in cancer patients. He has first-author publications in Journal of American College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Imaging, Journal of American College of Cardiology: CardioOncology and American Journal of Cardiology. His professional interests also include Cardio-Diabetology and Health Economics, and he has published in both of these fields. His recreational interests include bush walking in the Mornington Peninsula and reading about classical history. One of the things he likes most about medicine is the ability to both teach and learn. 

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